WP Emerge
A modern, MVC-powered WordPress as a CMS workflow.

* Opening the door ...
\App::route()->get()->where( 'is_front_page' )
->handle( 'HomeController@index' );
* ... to a new world of possibilities!
\App::route()->post()->url( '/teams/{team}/edit' )
->middleware( 'user.can:manage_teams' );
->handle( 'TeamsController@edit' );
… with controllers, middleware, PSR-7 responses and view composers.
Does not override WordPress' routing but complements it.
Use any view engine
Use good ol’ PHP, Blade, Twig or a mix. Implementing any other view engine is also supported.
Service container
All dependencies are instantiated using an IoC container and can be replaced with custom compatible ones at will.
Service providers, view engines, dynamic route conditions, error handling – all customizable and extensible.
Advanced error reporting
Beautiful and interactive stack trace presentation with data dumps and source file highlighting.
Full support for "The Loop"
WP Emerge does not mess with or override "The Loop" - it complements it.
Starter Plugin & Theme
Block Editor
Block font sizes and color palette are available and customizable through simple variable changes.
CLI Helper
Install CSS frameworks, run boilerplate-generating commands, generate a release zip and more.
PHP unit test scaffolding
You are one command away from having a fully integrated unit test environment for your code.
ES6 + SASS everywhere
Separate bundles for the frontend, administration, login and the block editor in
one build step.
Asset tools
Automatic sprite generation, fool-proof asset cache busting, dynamic thumbnail generation and more.
Lint Everything
ESLint, StyleLint and the official WordPress PHPCS configuration are available out of the box.
Is WP Emerge a plugin or a theme?
WP Emerge comes in 3 flavors:
- A framework that you can include in your theme or plugin via composer.
- A starter plugin that includes the framework among other goodies.
- A starter theme that includes the framework among other goodies.
The starter plugin and theme options allow you to create your own plugin or theme with a solid foundation.
As a freelancer, why should I use WP Emerge?
As a freelancer spending your limited time and resources on tooling and maintenance can be costly. In order to reach your business goals it makes perfect sense to offload that burden to an open source project that already covers your needs and then some:
- Shares the community's knowledge and experience.
- Free, now and forever.
- Open source means you are never locked down to a proprietary vendor.
- Includes a whole host of developer-oriented tools and features.
- Customizable and extensible to give you the flexibility you need.
As an agency, why should we use WP Emerge?
As an agency, you strive to delivery consistent quality to your customers regardless of the project type or assigned developers. A common development framework which enforces good practices and provides modern tooling is an invaluable asset. Taking advantage of a tried and tested open source project has a number of other benefits as well:
- Shares the community's knowledge and experience.
- Free, now and forever.
- Open source means you are never locked down to a proprietary vendor.
- Includes a whole host of developer-oriented tools and features.
- Customizable and extensible to give you the flexibility you need.
Bonus fun fact: WP Emerge was born out of necessity at a WordPress agency.
Does WP Emerge include Laravel?
Nope. While heavily inspired by Laravel, WP Emerge is lean and tuned for WordPress and does not include any illuminate/*
Can I use WP Emerge in a legacy project?
Yes! One of the great benefits of WP Emerge is that its integration is incremental - you can use it in a legacy project without having to rewrite your site's logic or templates. For example, the Blade extension will automatically defer rendering of .php
templates to the default engine while rendering your new .blade.php
templates with Blade.
Is WP Emerge free?
Yes - WP Emerge is free, open source and licensed under GPL 2.0. Feel free to submit issues, suggestions and pull requests over at GitHub.
What theme works best with WP Emerge?
While WP Emerge works with any theme, we suggest you check out the official Starter Theme for WP Emerge.
Where can I get help with WP Emerge?
- Check out the official documentation.
- Ask questions in the Gitter Lobby.
- Submit issues, feature requests and pull requests on GitHub.